14 Week Diet & Cardio Program

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If you are looking for a comprehensive cardio program, you have come to the right place. Cardio exercises involve both physical workouts as well as what you eat. Nick Scott who is an expert of cardio workouts prepared the program. It has been proven successful many times ov34.99er through years of experien32.99ce. The foods recommended in the diet have been carefully studied to ensure that you get the most out of each workout session.

This cardio program is not just for people in wheelchairs, anyone who wants to get good cardio should sign on for the program. The programs will run for 14 weeks and will be based on your weight. The program mainly focuses on your diet. It strictly controls what you eat. Additionally, it dictates to you when you should eat certain foods and when you should not. The 14-week program also contains detailed information on how much you should eat in each session.

Program Includes:

  • Diet Program
  • Cardio Program
Diet Program:
14 Weeks

Cardio Program:
14 Weeks


*Program will be emailed for Download

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